In the twilight of our lives we want to be able to look back and feel a sense of integrity.  We want to think that our lives mattered, that we accomplished what we wanted to accomplish, and are leaving a better world for our children to flourish.


Sometimes, older adults don't always feel this way and in them is a sense of despair.


Older adults can feel depressed as well.  They might be lonely, or feel like they haven't done what they wanted to do with their lives.  At this stage in the game, we need to be able to look back and feel like our lives were a success.  If we don't, it can lead to feelings of bitterness or regret.


Another factor to consider is that as the body ages and begins to break down, the brain will follow suit.  Various types of dementias can develop such as Alzheimer's, and with these dementias will come behavioral change as well.


While Pursuit of Happiness is perfectly comfortable dealing with non-organic depression in older adults, at this time we are not equipped to deal with neuropsychological conditions like dementia.  However, we can offer referrals to a neuro-psychologist or a psychiatrist who would be able to offer care.