This approach to counseling is an effort to affect change in the way that members of couples and families interact with each other.  All the members of the family comprise a system, and each component of the system has an effect on each member of the family.


So imagine this simplified scenario of the family systems approach.  Let's say we see a young kid come in to the office for depression.  We can counsel and counsel until we are blue in the face, and then it turns out that after each counseling session, the kid is getting abused when they go home.


The abuse is a central part of the system that needs to be addressed in this example.  Without changing that aspect of the system - the abuse - we are not going to see meaningful change no matter how well we counsel.  All aspects of the family system must be evaluated and addressed.


This type of therapy isn't necessarily relegated to families, any group of two or more humans who are in regular contact with each other can be subject to the wonders of family systems therapy.


If you are having family problems, or problems with your regular group of people, Pursuit of Happiness has therapists who can help.


Family systems counseling is a type of therapy that focuses on treating problems within the family unit as a whole, rather than just treating individual members in isolation. This approach is based on the idea that the behaviors and actions of one family member can have a significant impact on the entire family system, and that by addressing these dynamics as a group, families can develop healthier and more functional relationships.


In family systems counseling, the therapist works with the family as a whole to identify problematic patterns of behavior and communication, and to develop strategies for improving these patterns. This might involve addressing issues such as communication breakdowns, conflicts between family members, and unhealthy dynamics such as codependency or enmeshment.


One of the key principles of family systems counseling is the idea of "circular causality." This refers to the notion that within a family system, behaviors and actions are not caused by any one individual, but are instead influenced by the entire system as a whole. For example, a child who acts out might be responding to a parent who is overly controlling, or a parent who is struggling with depression or anxiety might be contributing to a family environment that feels chaotic or unstable.


To address these issues, family systems counselors work to help family members understand how their behavior and communication patterns are impacting the family as a whole, and to develop strategies for creating more positive interactions. This might involve teaching family members new communication skills, setting boundaries, or working through past traumas and conflicts in order to heal relationships.


Overall, family systems counseling can be a powerful tool for helping families improve their relationships and create a more supportive and functional family unit. By addressing problems within the family system as a whole, rather than just treating individual members in isolation, family systems counseling can help families develop stronger, healthier relationships that can last a lifetime. If you're struggling with family issues, consider seeking out a family systems counselor who can help you and your loved ones work through these challenges together.