What's a real man supposed to be?  Tall, dark, and handsome?  A hero?  A protector?


For instance, men are often conditioned to believe that we are supposed to be these things, but the truth is, that just like our female counterparts, men come in all sort of varieties.


There are many facets of life that only men face and are unique to their experience that can be troubling.  If not properly calibrated, a sense of shame or isolation can develop that can be debilitating.


If you aren't a swashbuckling ladies man, that doesn't mean you are a failure.  There are plenty of ways to contribute to society and become the best version of yourself possible.


The first step is to identify where your strengths are.  What interests you?  What do you love to do?  These questions will go a long way in developing who you are as a person.