Giving birth to a child can be a wonderful event.  However, 10-15% of women experience a period of time after giving birth in which they feel depressed.


This can be due to a multitude of factors, including the body having to re-adapt to not having a child in the womb.  Due to the enormous dynamics involved in the body while becoming pregnant and giving birth, some women even begin to feel the effects of postpartum depression before they actually give birth.


If you or someone you care about is experiencing postpartum depression, Pursuit of Happiness can help.  Research tells us that a variety of interventions may be suitable to help alleviate the effects of postpartum depression, including psychotherapies such as Cognitive-Behavioral and Interpersonal Therapy.  Psychopharmacological interventions may be helpful as well.


Before beginning any medicinal regiment, please consult with a psychiatrist who specializes in these types of prescriptions, in addition to a counselor who can help your mind to feel better with thinking strategies that will target and reduce any maladaptive thought patterns that may arise.